Tuesday, April 24, 2007

Blog #4- The Term "Fair Use"

Fair Use:
def. - A doctrine in the United States copyright law that allows limited use of copyrighted material without requiring permission from the rights holders.

The term Fair Use is unique in the United States, although there is a common term, fair dealing, in other common law jurisdictions.

I believe that this must be present with the way the Internet has become a primary source for research and information. This class especially needs to be aware of the term due to the building/designing of a webite. An interesting case for you to read about 'fair use on the internet' is, Kelly vs. Arriba Soft Corporation. The result of this case used the four determining factors that are used to decide fair use. They are as follows:

  • purpose and character of the use,
  • nature of the copyright work,
  • amount and substantiality of the portion used in relation to the copyrighted work as a whole,
  • and the effect of the use on the potential market for the copyrighted work.

Of course the courts are allowed to consider other factors as well.

Creative Commons (CC) is a non-profit organization devoted to expanding the range of creative work available for others to legally build upon and share. The organization was founded in 2001 by Lawrence Lessig. The original Creative Common License grants the "baseline rights"; attribution, noncommercial, no derivative works, and sharealike. Combined the baseline rights can create 16 possible combinations, which only 11 are valid licenses.

When researching this information I came across several other licenses such as sampling, developing nations, and free art license.

Some websites related to fair use/licenses:

Creative Commons, SU LAIR-Copyright and Fair Use, and MultiChannel Merchant.

I posted comments on: Laslo's Blog and Laura's Land =)

Thursday, April 19, 2007

I posted comments on:

~~Snys Super Sweet Blog~~
**Connor's ESU PAES 632 Blog**

Monday, April 16, 2007

Blog #3- My Website Plan

I apologize for taking so long to post this. I was having internet connection problems at home, but it's all fixed now!!
The website I plan to create is going share different aspects of my life. There is going to be four areas which include: Family, Background, Friends, and Interests. After one has visited my site, they will learn a little about who I am. I am going for a more informal, FUN look. There is going to be lots of pictures (yes I finally got a digital camera =)) and links to other sites. I am still deciding on the color scheme. I am not sure if I want to keep it consistent throughout the website or change it up since I am going for a fun, artsy look. If anyone has suggestions, please post a comment on what you think!
A challenge I am going to have to tackle is the "Interests" page. I want it to be a collage of pictures and graphics of things I enjoy, but I am going to have to figure out how to use GIMP and upload it into SeaMonkey. Hopefully it will not be as hard as it seems!!!!!!!
I do not have a specific audience for my website, it is for all to enjoy!

Sunday, April 8, 2007

Blog #2- The Favorite Three

I had to really think about this blog. There are so many websites that I often visit; it was hard to decide which were my top three. This entry has made me realize that I use the internet for research/current event purposes more than entertainment.
1. MSNBC- This site is great to get information on news events. I like how it is updated throughout the day so if there is any breaking news you know about it! It is a very user-friendly site. On the left hand side there is a toolbar of topics and when you go to a topic it gives you headlines of the stories in that particular topic. This way you can quickly navigate to the story you are looking for. The site is colorful and full of pictures. The only downfall: it's loaded with so much information that it is easy to get sidetracked.
2. WIKIPEDIA- A wonderful free encyclopedia research site. The homepage is a bit plain/boring. There is not many colors or pictures involved, but this is expected due to the purpose of the site. There are 10 different languages of text to choose from. This allows a wide variety of people to use and understand the site. Once you click on the language you want it directs you to the mainpage. You can search for just about anything on this site. It has over 1 million articles!! The articles are easy to read and have highlighted words that link to other information.
3. GOOGLE- I am sure everyone in this class has used this site. It is a search engine that finds information pertaining to the words you put in the "search" box. I use google over other search engines because it is very easy to use and the page is simple. It does not overwhelm you with tons of pictures/colors/information all over the page. One of my favorite things about google is how the letters are decorated with what holiday it is. I like to see the different ideas they come up with!

I posted comments on Laslo's Blog and Happy Smiles!!

Sunday, April 1, 2007

Blog #1- My Life As It Is!!

Hello! My name is Krystle McClintock and I am currently an OSU (YEAH!!) student working on the Business Education Licensure Program. I graduated from OSU with a B.S. in Human Ecology WI 06 quarter, and now I am back at it! I decided that I wanted to do something different and teaching would be the best fit. For now, I work full-time as a Mutual Fund Accountant with BISYS Financial Services and take classes at night. I will soon have to change this track, but until then this is what I will be doing with most of my time!

Unlike some of the other blogs I have read, I am not married and do not have any children. I guess I do sort of have a family, my roomates: KARI and RYAN. They are a lot of fun and we get along great, no fighting =) I am sure you will learn more about them throughout this class! I have had lots of roomates and they are by far the best~

I must admit, I have no clue about designing websites/pages. This class will be challenging for me, but I know I will get a lot of knowledge out of it. I am eager to learn the ins and outs of webpage designing. It is going to be neat to see all the different ideas and creativity! I use the Internet everyday at work and understand it's importance to how we communicate. Email and Instant Messenger are also ways that my workplace communicate, without these our job would be much, much more difficult.

See you all in cLaSs~~~
